Welcome to my blog, to my mind !! My main interest is to show that you don't have to be rich, to be able to enjoy beauty in your surroundings...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My New Project, My New Phase

What can I say? I feel I have so much to share but have no idea how to begin, so bare with me, this might sound just like a bunch of words and ramdon thoughts...but I'm trying and learning.
I have been in the Design business for a loooong time but always been in a comfortable position where I don't have to work to hard. It was a "safe place", in jobs that were kind of a "comfort zone". I knew what I was doing, didn't have to try hard to get my job done and really felt like I had nothing much to learn, I thought I was all that !! That I knew everything I needed !!...OMG how wrong was I.
Now, my world is upside down, all the pieces moved and I'm not in my "safe comfort zone" anymore...and guess what? I knew nothing, there is so much I still need to learn, I was so comfortable in my small little kitchen design world that so much passed right in front of me and I didn't even notice.
I want to share this experience with you and also share what I do know and what I would be learning along the way...like  this blogging thing, that is so common and natural right now but I have never done it before. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not an old lady, I'm in my 30's but still.....I need to catch up in various areas.
What you can expect from me? First, that I love the Arts and everything related to it, never thought I would miss my career choice so much, until now that I had to venture in other fields...Second, I want to help others create their dream spaces even if they don't have a lot of money, beautiful spaces is not about money, it's about creativity and passion...and Third, I want to share with you this new phase of my life, all these steps I will be taking to get where I need and have to be...Hopefully you'll find it helpful and will inspire you to follow your dreams and your passion.
If I have learned something in these past couple of months, is that it is horrible and depressing to wake up everyday and do something you don't enjoy.
Join me in this beautiful journey to growing and learning, I will share all my knowledge with you and please, feel free to use it for your advantage.
Thanks for reading my first piece of random words, promise I will get better...LOL

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